got surprised that Genshin Impact has a private server

I tried it a few days ago, and yea it worked. u can have all char & item after running /giveall commands, that's very cool that F2P players having all char & item haha. And the quest seem buggy, u just can receiving quest via command and finish it with command too. Little bored but idc, now i can trying all character mwehehe.
This is just some little tutorial, may useful for u all
if u want to have a lot of genesis crystal, primogem & mora, can use
/giveitem commands.
how to use the commands?
giveitem = !giveitem (itemid) (value)
example, Genesis Crystal = !giveitem 203 60000
press "Send" and boom u got 60000 Genesis Crystal instantly without paying anything, cool right? For another itemid like primogem, mora, etc. Can find it on
Just for Have Fun! and yea the tutorial just like that
what i typed in this comment, all based on my experience playing this PS game, and maybe my tutorial is useful.