Tutorial How to inject mod menu into DLL based Unity games (Mono backend ONLY)

Thread updated. Dropped old mod menu with the new one
After I press play, the mod menu does not appear

Am I doing something wrong?
I learned to use your menu and thank you very much for posting your content!
Ask me a question.
When I activate the function it changes the value correctly, but when I deactivate it does not return the original value! Is that correct or do I have to change something?
Only goes back to default if I leave the match.

Sorry, I already found out why this detail occurs! TY​


  • Screenshot_52.png
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Did I make a mod menu but only 2 buttons are visible why?

View attachment 256477
Make sure you set the number in correct order. Otherwise it will overlay

if (toggle1)
//(number) = Order of button | false/true = Make button smaller for multipler
if (GUI.Button(BtnRect(1, false), "God mode: ON", OnStyle))
toggle1 = false;
else if (GUI.Button(BtnRect(1, false), "God mode: OFF", OffStyle))
toggle1 = true;

if (toggle2)
if (GUI.Button(BtnRect(2, false), "Infinite MP: ON", OnStyle))
toggle2 = false;
else if (GUI.Button(BtnRect(2, false), "Infinite MP: OFF", OffStyle))
toggle2 = true;

if (toggle3)
if (GUI.Button(BtnRect(3, false), "Very high attack: ON", OnStyle))
toggle3 = false;
else if (GUI.Button(BtnRect(3, false), "Very high attack: OFF", OffStyle))
toggle3 = true;
Büyükanne oyununa donma büyükanne ve büyükanneyi öldür ekledim, çalışıyorlar DüşmanAIGranny Kendi oluşturduğum SpawnCube ve SpeedHack ve NoClip'i ekledim sonra menüye ekledim ve Spawn Cube SpeedHack oyununa girdim NoClip yok iş
kod burada
genel void Spawncube ()
RenderSettings.fog = false;
this.ray.origin = Camera.main.transform.position;
this.ray.direction = Camera.main.transform.forward;
eğer (ModMenu.toggle4 && Physics.Raycast (this.ray, out this.hit, 50f) && this.hit.collider)
GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Cube) .transform.position = this.hit.point;
genel geçersiz NoClip ()
eğer (ModMenu.toggle5)
Physics.gravity = Vector3.zero;
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision (0, 8);
Physics.gravity = new Vector3 (0f, -13.5f, 0f);
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision (0, 8, false);
Hız hilesi
genel void SpeedHack ()
eğer (ModMenu.toggle6)
Time.timeScale = 4f;
Time.timeScale = 1f;
Kodlar doğru
I made my Mod Menu, but I did not test it on the phone as it is a bit big because it will not fit on the screen and you realize that there is an Object Editor.

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