Not Working Identity V Ver 1.0.516 MOD MENU | Wall Hack | WireFrame Yellow | Rainbow | Cyan

wallhack issue fixed
can you also add wallhack for mechanic's robot? current wallhack can't see mechanic's robot at all
also is it possible to fix all those wireframe bugs? well no need to fix all colors, one colors (purple) is more than
enough, and also wallhack in caraousel is bug.
thank you so much for your hard work the walhack has become better, infact too good lol is it possible to turn off the wall hack for certain objects? for example when the wallhack is turned on the carousel in the map moonlight riverpark is hard to see and anything that comes close to the carousel becomes invisible. I dont use the wireframe cause it still bugs when i use it on axeboy but these are minor issues(the carousel is a big prob tho) but if you can id rather not have a wall hack on the carousel and axe boy's trees
Yeah mee to
Isit normal? Ive placed obb in the right place
Isit normal? Ive placed obb in the right place View attachment 287428View attachment 287429
you won't get any answer bro on here, in case if you wonder i also post the same exactly question but no one respond. (its 2 weeks ago)
so yeah don't expect answer. people come here just to comment thanks, not to answer a question.
what i can say is, you don't need to download the obb, the apk itself can download the obb for you.
you just need to install the apk.
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identity v identity v cheat identity v hack identity v hecki identity v mod identity v mod apk identity v mod menu

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