Guide to play full game including Call of Olympus dlc:-
1. Download full unlocked game v 2.1.0 including all dlc from any trusted website (I did so myself, many are available unfortunately none here on platinmods)
2. Download this moded version
3. Install MT manager (google it, very easy to find)
4.Using MT manager, Open both apk files side by side using the view option (no need to extract)
5. Replace/add following files in the full unlocked game from the moded game:-
- AndroidManifest.xml
- classes.dex
- classes2.dex
6. In both apks, Navigate to lib folder -> arm64-v8a where you'll find many .so files
7. Compare both of them side by side and delete the .so files in full unlocked game which are named different from the ones in the moded game
8. Copy paste the .so files from the moded game which are missing from the full unlocked game.
9. Sign the now newly moded full unlocked game using MT manager using V1 + V2 + V3 option
10. Install the game and now you should have all dlcs unlocked as well as the moded tool and surprisingly my game worked even with internet turned on.
I did all this and uploaded the game which you can get here: