Outdated Kritika Survivor Ver. 1.10.0 MEGA MOD Menu APK | Damage & Defense & EXP Multipliers | God Mode | Faster Move Speed | GEAR 3 | ZA WARUDO & more

Can you try with playstore version and see if it has the same problem?
Did the problem go away if you restarted the game?
Don't have the issue with original

Close and restart, clearing all data and cache even delete and full reinstall doesn't fix this error,
Don't have the issue with original

Close and restart, clearing all data and cache even delete and full reinstall doesn't fix this error,
hmm I certainly can progress further in the game, refer to my video.
Try to bypass the first map, when you reached 2nd/3rd wave, enable auto win

Or play with playstore version complete the first map then only use mod apk.
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arcade kritika survivor kritika survivor cheat kritika survivor hack kritika survivor mod クリティカ・サバイバー クリティカ・サバイバー hack クリティカ・サバイバー mod 無盡審判 倖存者 無盡審判 倖存者 hack 無盡審判 倖存者 mod 無盡審判 倖存者 外挂 無盡審判 倖存者 破解 크리티카 서바이버 크리티카 서바이버 hack 크리티카 서바이버 mod

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