PMT FREE MOD Left to Survive: Zombie Survival PvP Shooter Ver. 7.4.1 MOD Menu APK | Damage Multiplier | God Mode | No Reload

Hello guys.

I have been banned.

Is there any way to unban it?

I would be so sad to loose all stuf i got and all experience in the game.

Please help me !!!!!!
Hello guys.

I have been banned.

Is there any way to unban it?

I would be so sad to loose all stuf i got and all experience in the game.

Please help me !!!!!!
Hi. Write to tech support to be unbanned, for the first time the game developers forgive. If you are caught cheating a second time you will be banned forever.:face01:
There is a second way, install the game from the play market, play it once. Exit the game and follow the path (Android / data / com.glu.zbs) rename the com.glu.zbs folder to (com.glu.zbs1) save. You also need to rename the contents of the obb folder (com.glu.zbs1) save. Delete the original, install the mod, then return to the data folder and change it back to (com.glu.zbs) do the same with the contents of the obb folder (com.glu.zbs). Enjoy.:face29:
No te aburres de subir mod malisimos?? Se congela cuamdo termina el tutorial eres una mierda amigo deberias retirarte.
Le estas dando mal prestigio a la pagina
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action action strategy artillery shooter bulletstorm hypercasual left to survive: zombie survival pvp shooter left to survive: zombie survival pvp shooter mod platinmods single player stylized realistic

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