Open Request Pokémon Masters EX



Game Name: Pokémon Masters EX

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Unlimited gems
  • Unlimited coin
  • Damage multiplier
  • No skill cooldown
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried GameGuardian but I couldn't find any values.
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so is this game getting mod? or should i just not wait and play it already.
Just start playing, when the new event starts on Sep 2nd, Blue will be added to the shop, ive been playing just to rack up gems to try and summon him. If i don't get him, im gunna keep re rolling my account. U get 1300 right after the tutorial. So its enough to try 4 times. Word is, hes the best 5* and complements Rosa (the starter 5*) perfectly.
@Gunner @G-Bo ッ @GNaFF
Any of you able to try and mod this if possible

I know you senpai's are busy but if you get the chance to look at it that would be appreciated

Requesting for
1hit kill
No Skill CD
God mode is optional not really needed if we get no Skill CD thanks ??

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