Open Request Pokémon Masters EX



Game Name: Pokémon Masters EX

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Unlimited gems
  • Unlimited coin
  • Damage multiplier
  • No skill cooldown
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried GameGuardian but I couldn't find any values.
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Knowing Nintendo and Game Freak its gonna be hard to near impossible to hack this. What with all the years they have had to refine their programming to stop people from hacking their products so here's to hoping.
game is not from gamefreak :S
Pokemon Masters is from the Original "The Pokemon Company", buddy.
The Pokemon Company is a direct Part of the Official Nintendo Company, Game Freak is only a third-party developer.
So it's way harder than it would be from Game Freak haha
Pokemon Masters is from the Original "The Pokemon Company", buddy.
The Pokemon Company is a direct Part of the Official Nintendo Company, Game Freak is only a third-party developer.
So it's way harder than it would be from Game Freak haha
don't believe gamefreak put a hand on this they own the company together with nintendo yes, but i don't think they developed this game
don't believe gamefreak put a hand on this they own the company together with nintendo yes, but i don't think they developed this game
No, The Pokemon Company isn't directly a developer. Game Freak is a developer, but Game Freak is only a third party Company, The Pokemon Company is the real part from Nintendo. Pokemon Masters is developed under the direction from The Pokemon Company, but "DeNa" are the developer from it.

But they are not that bad, files are obfuscated haha :D

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