Open Request Pokémon Masters EX



Game Name: Pokémon Masters EX

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Unlimited gems
  • Unlimited coin
  • Damage multiplier
  • No skill cooldown
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried GameGuardian but I couldn't find any values.
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Upvote 18
It's a difficult choice for me to make. I do many free guides/hacks. I have for at least the last 5 years. There is some stuff I've released for free that I'm fairly certain no one would've figured out. (Go check my Fury Survivor guide at game Guardian). More recently been seeing people steal my work, take credit and sometimes profit from it. It takes me a considerable amount of time to discover these hacks. So to be taken advantage of has gotten old. Hope everyone understands.
Forget about it. I don't think he will release it for free. Hopefully someone else will find it and share it for free. But as long as he's the only one, we'll have to play legit.
It's okay that No Fear sell his stuff lol good, in my eyes it's a bit expensive but that is good against abusing the Mod, because not everybody will have it.

Every real Modder ( with that i don't mean the Leecher shit ) spend hours, days, weeks, month in Mods, they do it in their Free time, it is not their job. While you having fun with your friends, girlfriend, you are in holidays and so on, Modders are sitting at home and looking tons of hours in Game Code,between their real job.

So why they should release ALL things for free?
When you would be an awesome artists and everyone want a Artwork from you, you do it for free? all the time? i don't think so.

When someone have 10 Mods and one of these 10 Mods is paid, then it's okay in my eyes lol

No one should be greedy, all should support the guys which invest their life in this stuff.
You can sell, but the price is insane. You don't need to charge that much to prevent some trash ppl to abuse it.
My pricing is insane? $10 for 5x a sync pair or 1000 of ANY ITEM.... $25 in the game gets you 10 random crap drops and you have to grind like crazy to obtain anything.
Then aside from that, it's not an easy hack. You don't find it odd I'm the only one doing this? I tried setting cost as low as I'm willing to really do. You don't see what I have to do to add ANY ITEM... I am manually doing everything. No scripts or automation, or I could drop rates considerably.

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