Open Request Star Wars ™: KOTOR II


Game Name: Star Wars™: KOTOR II

Google Play Store Link: STAR WARS™: KOTOR II - Aplicaciones en Google Play

APK Link:
APK Link

OBB Link

Cheat Requested: Unlimited credits

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No -> I don't know how to use a cheat engine.
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I can't see any difference in the mod and the normal game it does how ever say it's been modded when I boot up the game but I'm not getting more credits them I would on a normal play through
Download both files and in stall the APK don't open the app click done then the second file extract the contents in to internal storage/android/OBB/(place in here the folder called com.aspry.swkotor folder which will be located inside the folder you just placed in the odd location might sound abit confusing but when extraction is done this folder is inside the folder that you have just extracted from the zip or rar file you download so it is as simple as just moving the contained folder in to the obb)
Actually it would be better if someone would make a cheat were you get infinite experience or something like that because there's an exploit where you can get infinite credits through Handmaiden.
You simply fight with her once to learn echani Battle arts and then ask her to wear sth. Then she wears her mother's Jedi robes. After that you open your character equipment menu go to Handmaiden and unequip the robes. They sell 2200 I think. Then ask her again. Also if you need components just break down the Handmaiden robes. They're worth 200 components. Hope this is helpful. ?
Actually it would be better if someone would make a cheat were you get infinite experience or something like that because there's an exploit where you can get infinite credits through Handmaiden.
You simply fight with her once to learn echani Battle arts and then ask her to wear sth. Then she wears her mother's Jedi robes. After that you open your character equipment menu go to Handmaiden and unequip the robes. They sell 2200 I think. Then ask her again. Also if you need components just break down the Handmaiden robes. They're worth 200 components. Hope this is helpful. ?
How can i do that what part of the game? And how much can you earn from that glitch?

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