Regardless of the giveaway, I thank you for giving us the opportunity to express how we feel about tbis website.
For years Platinmods has always been what brought me out of the darkness of boredome with its beautiful modded games, unlimited apps and unbelievably supportive members. I would wake up everyday to check for new mods that I can enjoy and wait eagerly for updates to games I already play. I love and respect how every modder in here does the best to their extent to bring us new ideas and integrate them in games that we like. Platinmods has always showed me what it is like to have someone care for the users and be there to support them. Whenever I finish a game and would like to explore more of it through mods, Platinmods has welcomed me every time and never disappointed me so thank you for everything and thank you for the giveaway.
Good luck to all of us! Much love!