this link seems to no longer be working, can i ask for an update?
I modded my first 3 games by the tutorials and the help provided by the fellow members of this community, thank you admin. I would love to mod and join this team.
I saw few outdated mods in approved modder section, can i mod them and upload them here?How to become "Approved Modder"?
Hello =) We implemented this system to allow an easier way to get Approved Modder or proof your already existing skills. What it needs to get Approved Modder? 1. You need to post 3 unique mods in total (not mods are already available with same features) in the approvement zone at the top
In the testing zone you can post what you want, they are only for test. They wont be public. If you solve the test and get approved modder you will get a message with the detailed rules what is allowed and what not.I saw few outdated mods in approved modder section, can i mod them and upload them here?
View attachment 532837
hi,if the apk is split inside an xapk file, what should i do? i search on the internet but other xapk only split the obb and the real apk which contain the lib folder
but in this case the package name apk doesn't contain lib folder, the lib folder is inside the arm64 apk and there's a bunch of config apk like this
do i need to sign each and every one of the apk inside then compile it again into xapk?
That goes above the basics and is called splitting. You split your mod to only work for either the enemy or the player. Easier games have pre-split methods, like they have a damage method for the enemy and a damage method for the player. These kind of games are good for beginners. Games which use the same damage method for enemy and player require advanced modding, such as hooking and not only hex patching (while can be as well done by hex patching but that would be even more complicated then hooking). There you have to find the right method which targets the enemy or the player, for example "isEnemy" and hook it in a way that you use if statements, like if (isEnemy) then damage / 1000 and if (!isEnemy) then damage * 1000.Hello thank you first of all, I have a question, I am trying to learn modding with the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, I managed to edit or find better methods that affect damage and life but affect both... in these cases is it better not to learn with this type of games? Or is it actually a simple solution?